The Women's Ministry at First United Methodist Church is a community of women who desire to connect with God, one another and the community around us. We are women who support one another in fellowship and who gather together regularly for Bible study, retreats, and programs. Contact the Church office.
Women's Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesday 10am - 11am
Youth & Worship Center #S105
Vickie Evans vickieaevans@icloud.com
Growing in Grace - Singles and Couples
Wednesday 6pm - 7pm
Christian Life Center #C101
Janet Read janetcasa@yahoo.com
A Disciple's Path - Singles and Couples
Wednesday 7pm - 8pm
Youth & Worship Center #S201
Paul Through the Book of Acts
Monday 6pm -7pm
Christian Life Center #C101
Elisa Harris ckharris92@gmail.com
Let's Do Lunch
2nd Thursday of the Month 12pm - 1pm
Fellowship Hall
RSVP to ckindred@lufkinfirst.com
Seasonal Craft Nights
Date and Time TBD