9:00 - 10:00 AM
Welcome to First United Methodist Church’s Adult Ministry! Our goal is to help all people become deeply devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Married, single, parent, non-parent, working, and not working, you belong here. We want you to grow your faith.
GROW YOUR FAITH - Classes Offered
Praise Ladies
Members: Women of all ages
Location: Youth & Worship Center S201 (Second Floor)
Contact: Valena Spradley
Members: Couples and singles with school age children
Location: Youth & Worship Center S105 (First Floor)
Contact: Steve Killam
Second Mile/Fellowship
Members: Senior couples and singles
Location: Meets at 8:45am in the Nursery/Pre-School & Adult Classes P109 (last room on the right)
Contact: Sherry Lindsey
Members: Couples and singles 40 years and up
Location: Adult Wing A101
Contact: Roy Knight
Members: Young adults, couples, and singles
Location: Youth & Worship Center S101 (First Floor)
Contact: Matt Knight