The Children’s Ministry of First United Methodist Church seeks to instill a love for God through the building of faith in our children, as we study scripture, love others, and seek the Lord with our hearts and minds. We also meet every Wednesday night from 6:00-7:00 PM for games and Bible study.
Please contact Rachel Dale, Children and Family Ministry.
Children’s Christmas Musical
A Lambs Tale
If you missed seeing the Children’s Musical,
you can click on the image to watch their performance!
Teach as Jesus Taught
Wednesday, 6:00-7:00 PM in the Gym.
Remember when Jesus compared faith to a mustard seed? And how he knelt down to wash dirty feet? What about the time he stuck his fingers in the ears of a deaf man?
Jesus used real-world illustrations, eye-to-eye conversations, and everyday objects to explain eternal truths in fresh and surprising ways. And no matter which Group curriculum you choose, you’ll do the same!
We've carefully baked what made Jesus’ teaching so impactful into every Group lesson. It’s nothing we thought up on our own—we simply followed countless examples from the Gospel. Group curriculum engages the senses, triggers emotion, and ultimately helps kids grow closer to Jesus and each other.
Sunday School
We are thrilled about a new Sunday School curriculum that we hope your child will be a part of on Sunday mornings from 9:00 AM.
Our Group curriculum gives real-life examples and applications to our children as they learn to follow Christ in their daily lives and grow their faith. Group curriculum presents the stories of the Bible in a hands-on fashion that gets our students excited about their relationship with God.
Nursery is available for infants to Pre-K
Elementary is available for Kindergarten to 5th grade.